Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Few Words from Fuzz

I know its been a while, I pray that you all have been Progressive and Prayerful since we've last spoken. I don't want to take up too much of your time, so On behalf of FuzzGang I just want to thank you all for your Continuous Support and Love that you show us and I'd like to welcome all of our New Supporters. Secondly, I write to you with excitement in my Heart for all the things that we have coming up that We hope you all Will be apart of. I must highlight a few of them:

We are Starting our College tour August 10th at Wayne State, Please come out and Support (More Information can be found by scrolling down).

I have a New Mixtape out entitled Warm Nights (Scroll down for the download link), that I'm sure you'll enjoy, it's only just a taste of things to come.

MORE Original Music Coming and New Visuals for that Original Music coming as well.

There are so many more things forthcoming that I could share at this moment, but as I said  I don't want to take up too much of your time. So I'll conclude with this:

It is safe to say that we are Back together again......

Please check this Website AT LEAST once a week for New Updates....

FuzzGang is Having a Get Together VERY SOON, Information in regards to it will BE ON HERE in about a Week from Now.

I Hope to see you soon.

Pray for Us, as We Pray for You All.

As always in Love, From
Yours Truly,

*Keith W.

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